Home : Sell : FAQ


Why did you change the Sell Your Item page?
We updated the Sell Your Item page to improve the listing experience for sellers.
The old Sell Your Item form had over 4,000 categories and could take 21 seconds to download. We updated the Sell Your Item to 2 pages so that you can choose your category, which would then download the appropriate subcategories. This would reduce download time for Sell Your Item from 21 seconds to 6 seconds on average, depending on the category.

Will the old Sell Your Item page still be available?
Yes, the old Sell Your Item page will still be available. Bookmark it here: http://cgi5.ebay.com/aw-cgi/eBayISAPI.dll?ListItemForSaleShow

How does this impact Mister Lister?
This should not impact Mister Lister. This change was made to decrease the downloading time for the Sell Your Item page.

Who do I contact with my suggestions?
Email suggest@ebay.com with "New Sell Item" in the subject heading.