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Top Questions

Should I register again if all I want to do is change my email address?
Why did AllAuto request a credit card when I tried to register?
How do I change my User ID?
How do I update AllAuto when my address, phone number, etc has changed?
What if I submitted the registration form but didn't get a confirmation email?

Personal Information
How can I change my User ID?
What if I forget my User ID?
What is a User ID and why would I want one?

How can I change something or cancel my listing completely?
Are there fees when I sell something?
Why isn't my picture showing up?
How do I add extra pictures after I've listed my item?
How do I add a picture to my listing?


Finding Items
How can I find the items I have bid on?
I can find my item by number, but not by title. Why?
What's the best way to find my favorite things on AllAuto?
How can I find the items I am selling?
I saw something on AllAuto a few weeks ago and now I can't find it. Can you help?
How can I find a listing by the item number?

How do I place a proxy bid? It looks like I can only place a maximum bid.
How can I cancel an unwanted bid?
Why was the bid increment bigger than I expected when I placed my bid?
I was outbid at the last second. How can I prevent this?
My item didn't get any bids. Can I list it again for free?
I bid against myself to raise my maximum and the high bid increased. Why?
Why did my bid jump up so high?
Why doesn't the high bid increase when I raise my bid?

After Auction
What if I won, but my seller won't sell to me?
What if my winning bidder won't pay?
What is feedback and how do I leave it?
What if I can't reach my winning bidder?
What if I can't reach my seller?

Help Overview


Buyer Guide

Seller Guide

My Info


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