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How to Sell
It's fun and easy to sell your stuff on eBay! Here's how:

  1. Set up your selling account. Place your credit card on file with eBay or go through ID Verify and you're ready to sell.

  2. Simply fill out the form or click under Sell in the Navigation Bar on the eBay home page. Choose a 3-, 5-, 7- or 10-day auction. Click on Sell Your Item, and you're in business!

  3. Make your listing look great with linked pictures or fancy text. A short, descriptive title and a complete description of your item will also help your sales. But be truthful in your listings. Disappointed buyers are likely to leave you negative feedback.

  4. Price to sell! Consider setting the minimum bid for your item a little lower than you think it will eventually sell for, just to get the auction going. Don't set it lower than you're willing to sell for, though. Be sure to clarify additional terms or expenses like who pays for shipping and insurance.

  5. You can even advertise your auction. Just use this URL to point people to your auction: http://cgi.ebay.com/aw-cgi/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=XXX (enter your assigned item number in place of the XXX).

  6. Bidders or potential bidders might email you during the course of the auction. Don't hesitate to respond to all inquiries promptly.

  7. Going, going, gone! When your listing ends, you and the high bidder will get emails. Listing results-the bidding history, final bid price and email addresses for the seller and the high bidder-are posted for 30 days.

    The seller and the high bidder should contact each other within 3 business days at the end of the listing. You can contact the next highest bidder if you can't conclude the transaction with the high bidder within 3 business days.

    The winning bidder pays you directly for the item, and it's your responsibility to fulfill the order once payment terms are met. The binding contract of the auction is between the winning bidder and the seller.

Remember, an eBay auction is a legal commitment to sell your item to the highest bidder. If you receive one or more bids above your minimum price, you are legally obligated to complete the transaction. A failure to do so is a breach of the User Agreement and may be legally actionable by one or more of the bidders. You have the right to cancel a transaction only under exceptional circumstances.

You may auction any merchandise you have the right to sell, as long as it complies with the User Agreement and the item is not a Prohibited, Questionable or Infringing item.

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